Thursday, September 8, 2011


Tuesday Primary September 13, 2011
Life Long Resident City of Kingston
35 Year Community Activist
35 Years Administrative Business Finance Experience
Managed and Governed Million Dollar Budgets
Successful Parent 4 Children
In the Kingston Daily Freeman article (Jan 2011), I made a promise and a pledge to the residents in the City of Kingston that I was going to run for Mayor as a GOP candidate. I have kept my promise to the people and over the last eight months, I have worked tirelessly educating the public regarding my Mayoral Platform. 
I feel I am the most qualified GOP candidate for Mayor in the City of Kingston. My comprehensive background as a financial business professional makes me an excellent candidate for this position. I can offer unique insight and devoted concentration on how I can improve the profitability of our community. I am well versed in areas of administrative leadership, employee relations, and contract negotiations. I will customize state of the art management strategies and create the resources our city needs to improve the leadership and financial potential of our fine city. As your Mayor I will have an obligation to create the position of governance and institutional management on a daily basis by protecting the budget process with proper checks and balances in place, for the very purpose of audit and control. We need to rebuild trust in government with integrity and transparency, as well as a high value on ethics. We need leadership that will foster teamwork among elected officials, city employees and all citizens. I will also improve city services, making them innovative, cost effective, without burdening the taxpayers. I live by strong family values which include hard work, take responsibility for your actions and always treat others with respect. While raising my four children I balanced a full time career and devoted 35 years of my time to Community Service. I am the most accomplished Republican Candidate for Mayor that has devoted and sacrificed 35 years of my time to  Community Service.
Demanding excellence from myself and others.
Public Safety: Aggressive and balanced approach to reducing crime.
Demand integrity, accountability and honesty.
Increase the tax base and reduce spending.
Promote our city to potential investors.
Create jobs so our children can return to their Hometown.
Aggressively engage in Economic Development
Honor our past and work to shape our future.
Create a Master Plan for Neighborhood Improvement
I have been vocal on many issues facing our city which included the following: My Business Plan, City Manager, My Safety Plan Proposal, My Plan City of Kingston Contract Negotiations, My Code Enforcement Plan, Vocal on Safe Harbors Controversial Plan, Vocal on the future of the Kings Inn and the financial cost to the taxpayer, and My Plan for a Freeze on Spending. I have been vocal in public comment at the monthly common council meetings and have attended routine common council committee meetings to become educated and aware of the many serious issues facing our city and the rules and regulations that manage and govern taxpayers money. I personally met with Curtis Sliwa, Founder and CEO of the Guardian Angels on July 23, 2011 to discuss crime and the future safety plan for the City of Kingston. I also attended the recent community safety summit meetings at the Boys and Girls club. I have also attended numerous Rally's to SAVE GOLDEN HILL county run and I offered a final plan as the City of Kingston Cat Task Force Chairman to the Mayor. In speaking with my constituents door to door over the last eight months priority issues include quality of life (public safety) , high taxes, and the need for jobs and economic development. I have also offered resistance to some of my opponents issues sidewalks, Kingston City Schools involvement (legally the city cannot) Code Enforcement, and Safe Harbor Proposal. I also attended two Mayoral Public Debates. One held at the Kingston Daily Freeman and another at the WGHQ radio station. Two of the Mayoral Candidates did not debate at the WGHQ debate. As a Mayoral Candidate you must have the courage and the self confidence in yourself to address your public. How can you possibly manage a city if you cannot even debate your public.
On September 13, 2011 Primary the registered voters in the City of Kingston will have a choice to elect a Republican Candidate for Mayor. I am asking for your support because I have the credentials, self confidence and experience to return Kingston to a city that will be economically vibrant and full of potential.
Jean C. Jacobs
GOP Candidate for Mayor
"The Peoples Choice"

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